"Committed to working for Truth, Justice, Mercy and Hope."


Get Involved



Pray :

Sudanese church and community leaders continually ask us to pray for them. They are trusting the God who brought them through 21 years of civil war into peace to help them to establish that peace. Please pray for the following concerns:                                                          

Participants at Magwi Training

  • Pray for cessation of inter ethnic violence in parts of Southern Sudan
  • Pray for victims of LRA displacement in Western Equatoria State.




Act :

Church leaders frequently tell us that the only reason that Sudan has come to the point of respecting the right to self determination for South Sudanese was because their partners advocated on their behalf with governments around the world. But they remind us that even though the war has ended the need for advocacy has not diminished. Development must take place and the post CPA  arrangments must be implemented.

Sudan Advocacy Action Forum provides opportunities to become involved directly in grass roots advocacy.




Give :

RECONCILE is in great need of programme funds so that we can respond to the scores of requests for training in trauma healing, good governance, social transformation and interfaith/intercultural understanding and reconciliation.

Funds will be used to:

  • host training events,
  • develop and publish training materials,
  • provide workshop materials,
  • cover staff travel,
  • and provide professional consultancy.

If you are interested in contributing to RECONCILE please be in touch with Programs Manager Milcah Lalam: lalam@reconcile-int.org